数控超速台式均质乳化机 POLYTRON ® PT 4000 货号:PT4000 品牌:KINEMATICA


英文名:POLYTRON ® PT 4000


规格:0.05 ml – 2500ml;500 – 40000 rpm



 主机价格,不包括配件。适用于0.01 – 250毫升

由于其40,000 rpm较高的转速达,PT4000提供更高的聚合端口。这种更高的前端速度将提供更小的液滴或颗粒大小为已经经过验证的应用程序,并提供了一种方法来生产纳米颗粒,它是一个无刷,无磨损(3相)高频电机,并具有较低的噪音,以最大的速度,使得它在拥挤的实验室中使用达到的理想选择。


模拟电机的速度控制到25,000 rpm


(更多分散头选择请咨询Kinematica产品专家: 800-810-1243)
产品型号 PT-DA 4005/2EC PT-DA 4007/2EC PT-DA 4012/2EC
定货号 11030009 11030024 11030045
分散头长度 55 mm 80 mm 115 mm
定子/转子直径(Ø) 5.5 mm / 3 mm 7.5 mm / 5 mm 11.8 mm / 9 mm
线速度 6.3 m/s 10.5 m/s 18.8 m/s
工作容积 0.1 – 5 ml 0.3 – 10 ml 2 – 250 ml
适用工作容器 适合内径在6mm以上的Eppendorf管,试管和其他样品容器 适合内径在8mm以上的Eppendorf管,试管和其他样品容器 适合Kinematica GS15或者更大的分散杯, 适合内径在14mm以上的试管,烧杯或其他样品容器


产品型号 PT-DA 4020/2EC PT-DA 4025/2EC PT-DA 4025/2FEC
定货号 11030073 11030090 11030091
分散头长度 170 mm 170 mm 170 mm
定子/转子直径(Ø) 20 mm / 15 mm 25 mm / 18 mm 25 mm / 20 mm
线速度 27 m/s 30 m/s 32 m/s
工作容积 100-2000 ml 100-2500 ml 100 – 2500 ml
适用工作容器 适合Kinematica GS40或者更大的分散杯, 适合内径在22mm以上的试管,烧杯或其他样品容器 适合Kinematica GS50或者更大的分散杯, 适合内径在30mm以上的试管,烧杯或其他样品容器 适合Kinematica GS50或者更大的分散杯, 适合内径在30mm以上的试管,烧杯或其他样品容器

500W的三相高频无刷马达, 运转平稳,低噪音(l<70dB(A)),启动平稳柔和, 适合连续运转
智能转速控制系统,l 输出功率会随样品粘度变化而变化,保证均质过程在恒定转速下进行
专利的快接分散头安装设计, 可以简单完成安装或者拆卸l
l 分散头的定子-转子易于拆卸分散清洗(Easy Clean 技术),可以3步完成定子-转子的拆卸
分散头采用”锯齿”形设计,l 可以快速有效地分散破碎样品
适合样品容积: 0.05 – 2500 mLl
材质: 1.4435/316L 不锈钢, 外加电镀层,l 坚固耐用防腐蚀, 特制的Teflon轴承, 具有绝佳的机械性能和化学稳定性,可高温高压消毒

POLYTRON ® PT 4000 Stand Dispersion Unit (High End Line)

« Application volumes 0.05 ml – 2.5 litres »

The PT4000 will provide much higher aggregate tip speeds due to its higher speed of up to 40,000 rpm. This higher tip speed will provide even smaller droplet or particle sizes for already proven applications and provides a means to produce nano particles. The motor, which is a brushless, wear-free (3-phase) high-frequency motor, has a low noise level at maximum speed making it ideal for use in a crowded lab. A variety of aggregates of styles and diameters are available to provide optimum particle size reduction when using this drive. There are many different styles of aggregates available from 3mm in diameter for volumes down to 0.01 mL to 25mm for volumes up to 2500mLs.





  • Brushless 500 Watt, 3-phase motor with speed from 500 to 40,000 rpm controlled with a frequency converter connected to 230 volts.
  • Motor provides sufficient power and high speed necessary for efficient particle size reduction
  • Aggregate tip speeds up to 40 m/s produce the finest particles possible
  • Soft start prevents splashing of homogenate from sample vessel
  • Thermal fuse for overload protection.
  • Speed remains constant even when solution viscosity changes
  • Aggregate replacement using one-handed quick-release coupling
  • Insulated motor housing keeps motor noise to a safe, approved level
  • Various models of dispersing aggregates which are Easy-to-Clean and designed for many different applications

AccessoriesVessel holders or anti-slip mats with our stands.
Glass dispersion vessels which eliminate vortexing and improve homogenization efficiency

Accessories for this drive


11030009 PT-DA 05/2EC-E068
11030024 PT-DA 07/2EC-E092
11030045 PT-DA 12/2EC-E123
110300.. PT-DA 12/2MEC-E123
110300.. PT-DA 12/2WEC-E123
11030073 PT-DA 20/2EC-E170
11030090 PT-DA 4025/2EC-E170
11030091 PT-DA 4025/2FEC-E170


11040027 H-feet stand PT-ST 4001
11040021 plate stand PT-ST 2103
11045010 vessel holder with boss head for PT-ST 2103
11045011 vessel holder with boss head forPT-ST 4001
11045030 safety positioning ring for PT-ST 2103
11045031 safety positioning ring for PT-ST 4001 Vessels
11050010 GS 15, working volume max. 35 ml
11050020 GS 15 K, like GS 15, with screw cap
11050030 GS 15 KL7.5, like GS 15 K, lead through 7.5mm
11050011 GS 25, working volume max. 150 ml
11050021 GS 25 K, like GS 25, with screw cap
11050031 GS 25 KL12, like GS 25 K, lead through 12mm
11050032 GS 25 KL20, like GS 25 K, lead through 20mm
11050012 GS 40, working volume max. 500 ml
11050022 GS 40 K, like GS 40, with screw cap
11050033 GS 40 KL20, like GS 40 K, lead through 20mm
11050013 GS 50, working volume max. 1000 ml
11050023 GS 50 K, like GS 50, with screw cap
11050035 GS 50 KL20, like GS 50 K, lead through 20mm
11050014 GS 60, working volume max. 1300 ml
11050024 GS 60 K, like GS 60, with screw cap
11050037 GS 60 KL20, like GS 60 K, lead through 20mm